Universal School Meals... food for every child

Plate The State Podcast on Spotify

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PTSP Ep.5-Universal Student Meals

Maine is the second state to have passed legislation that school breakfasts and lunches will be free for all students starting Fall 2022. In this podcast, some of the dedicated people behind the movement to eradicate food insecurity in Maine speak to listeners.

Check out Spotify to find out more about Our Plate the State TV episode 201, which expands on the significant part Full Plates Full Potential played in getting this passed as well as what is being done to feed kids during the summer.


This episode features Renee Page, the Executive Director of Healthy Communities of the Capital Area, which includes the Maine Farm to School Network; Native Maine Produce and Specialty Foods, a food distributer that puts huge emphasis on partnering with farms to get their seconds into local school meals; and Nancy Ames, owner of Sullivan House Bakery in Gorham who donates a loaf of fresh bread to a hungry senior for each loaf sold, among other things.